Hello from Puerto Rico! Even though I may be sitting in the shade on the beach (or in reality, dodging the tropical storms!!), it doesn't mean things have slowed down in the Don't Act, Just BE online community. I pre-recorded a special training video for my private group, and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to catch too. I've gotten so many questions about what type of actor my 33 day journey is right for... whether you've studied with "all the right" mentors or you've never taken a class before. Not only have I coached tons of actors, but singers, dancers and creative artists have also benefited from the program.
If you feel like you have a certain talent or energy deep inside that still hasn't been tapped yet...
If you're ready to let go of your blocks and let your instrument fly...
Then you need to watch this video.
​​Tell me what you think in the comments. Ask. Comment. Complain. And let’s open the debate, so we can go deeper together. Are you ready to take the journey? Then check it out here. And don't miss out on another training session again! Sign up now for access to all my past videos and our awesome online community.
I host one LIVE training session a week, where you can ask questions and discuss your personal situation WITH ME DIRECTLY. I hope to see you at the next one! Jo
P.S. And you can win Resistance to Freedom for free!
Whenever you’re ready, here are FIVE ways I can help you:
Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom. , and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set.You’ll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days. Get on the waitlist here
Join my free Facebook Group - The instinctive Actors Society. This is THE community to connect with other actors, singers and artists who embrace their uniqueness and who do not people-please or shrink from being different. Click here to join.
Apply to be part of my Purpose Group. If you have finished the 33 day journey, it's time to move away from "trying to make the right choice" for your character and tap into your ultimate unique and purposeful choice in this powerful and supportive group. Click here to apply.
Apply for a craved-for spot in my ongoing Power Group, WE CREATE IT. (This is not for newbies.) If you are a working actor/singer, and you are passionate about creating your own material, let’s talk. Click here for details.