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  • Jo Kelly


Most actors who start working with me share that they are struggling to find ease when they act. You might be experiencing this too.

You might look at other actors and think: “how on earth do they do it?! It seems so easy for them. Why not for me?!”.

There is no ease to learn my lines, no ease in reaching demanded emotions, no ease in just being the character, no ease in doing multiple takes, no ease in being directed...

An actress I started working with told me that she sometimes did find ease but then she had no idea how she got there, so she had no way of reproducing it. Does that sound familiar?

That can be so hard, cuz you really wanna just enjoy your acting but if you are unable to act from a place of ease then it can get real difficult and that is not why you started acting right?!

If you wanna move fast and skip to the goodies, you can download this FREE training “STOP TRYING TO BE A GOOD ACTOR SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE AT BEING GREAT"

Now back to our story…

So why are you not finding ease?

When you watch my free training, you’ll discover that...

When you are struggling in life or in acting it’s because you are running on a survival type of engine. When you are coming from a place of ease it’s cuz you are creating.

And it’s always gonna be either surviving or creating.

I hear you ask: “Why the heck am I running on a survival mode”?!

Well quite simply cuz you have been wired to dodge and survive. You have been conditioned to deal with other people’s needs ( your parents and teachers) before yours and therefore you have not been raised creating from YOU; you have been raised surviving other people’s demands on you. And if you didn’t, you had to suffer the consequences.

So surviving has become your default.

BUT it is not your nature and therefore you can undo that conditioning to recover your natural instrument. When you unlearn your wiring you will find ease again because when you use something like it’s meant to be used… it works WITH NO STRUGGLE.

So suddenly it will also liberate all the energy that is no longer spent on the struggle and you will find total ease to create. FUN right?!

Watch the full training below.

After you watch the training I’d love to hear from you, so I invite you to join in the conversation happening in our private Facebook Group. You’ll also get access to more videos and resources, and connect with THOUSANDS of like-minded actors across the globe.

If you’re not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP. See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

Join my free Facebook Group, THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS’ SOCIETY, exclusively for actors who are ready to go from good to great and become undeniable. REQUEST TO JOIN:

Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set. You’ll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days. GET ON WAITLIST:

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