...And the list goes on.

"Hi Jo, I’ve been working for 30 years and have never come across anything remotely like your process. Everything I’ve read, studied, and practiced only ever made me feel more confused, lacking in talent and more trapped in the intellectual - plus I never got any results. This approach makes so much sense. It is just so beautifully simple, and has phenomenal efficacy. It has transformed my work and the results I’ve achieved because of it. Short version is that 2 months ago, around day 16 of your program, I found myself booking a great role across Ryan Gosling for a Netflix film and I was so f***** loose and free and did something different every single take. Previously unfathomable for me for my entire working life."

"#win I’ve been asked to do a self-tape for a recurring guest star in a Disney series . Thursday I wrote the casting agency. I already wrote to her some time ago and never got any answer back. I gave it another try and mailed her 3 links of scene's I did during your program. The next day she mailed me to ask for availability and then a self-tape. I am so grateful that you Jo Kelly raised the bar for me…And I’ve booked the job!”

“This work changed my life. I just booked a series regular in a Showtime tv series!
Passionate about acting, I’ve been doing plenty of workshops and working with a lot of coaches, but Jo Is “creme de la creme” when it comes to freedom & authenticity.”

"Thank you, Jo, for an incredible journey. Going through this program woke up parts of me that I didn't even know were dormant. Now, I’m definitely feeling alive and purposeful as an actor and human being. To top things off, I booked a couple of projects including this amazing ABC studios one during the program . I'm so grateful for your guidance and the supportive, creative environment you fostered."
Thank you so much Jo. You are so helpful.
OWEN WILSON - Wonder, The Royal Tenenbaums, Wedding crashers, Midnight In Paris, ... IMDB
I am really grateful for the Reset Journey. I just got offered a new recurring TV role…and I totally credit the Reset for how I showed up at the audition and the choices I made.
I am very grateful and I believe in and respect what Jo is doing.
KAREN STRASSMAN - The Onania Club, Mayans M.C., Bosch IMDB
I'm back together again. I can't remember the last time I felt back together again. I have an instrument now. I really do feel I have an instrument... I'm more able to share, to create, not to produce, but to CREATE. That came back to me too.
In my rehearsals, some great things are happening: some experiences of not controlling at all. The feeling of being so true to my emotions and to the lyrics I'm singing, the freedom of being happy, of being whole.
I really feel transformation, a road, a path... The joy of being present? You can't put a price on that.
JOANA MANUEL - Amar Demais, Circo Paraíso and Are u there...? PORTUGAL. IMDB
With the reset, I found my way back to my truth…. to my self. It’s been such a game changer for me!
I feel like I have been looking for a journey like this for So long, it gives me chills. Because going through life... we put a cap on our emotions, on everything that happens to us and I personally became a caricature of myself, so I was ready to tap back into my truth, and the Reset Journey really enabled me to do that.
So I use to hate auditions cuz I had so much resistance and I would try and pull it together and suppress certain things and now I know how to come exactly how I am.
And also, I was’t even sure I could do something like that online and actually the fact that it’s online is amazing cuz you can do it from anywhere! Really helpful for my acting but great for anybody... artist or not who wants to get back to their truth, it’s really amazing!
BRITTANY DANIEL- Sweet Valley High, The Game, Blackish. IMDB
One of the biggest things that separates Jo from other teachers is she doesn't try to impose a voice on you. She provides you with the space and the tools to find and cultivate your own voice, which is unique from any other.
Working with Jo has been invaluable, for both my growth as an actor and as a person. I would recommend her to anyone who is done trying to be anything other than exactly who they are, in all their glory.
"Je ne trouve pas les mots pour te remercier… Merci de m’avoir encouragé, merci pour ton entraînement, pour ta patience, merci pour ton humanité et ton amour des acteurs et des personnes en général… MERCI du fond du cœur !! Ce voyage a été vraiment libérateur pour moi".
MARION HUGUENIN - Love in Paris, Soleil, and La Fin. IMDB
Le plus difficile pour un acteur, c'est de se débarrasser de son costume social pour ne laisser apparaître que l'âme qui est en lui. Pour cela, il faut des années d'expérience.
Jo Kelly a une qualité d'écoute et de compréhension qui lui permet de voir tout de suite à travers notre costume social afin de dévoiler notre vraie nature, celle que l'on recherche tous pour atteindre la vérité dans le jeu. J'ai travaillé avec pas mal de coach et je pense que c'est une qualité rare.
CARLOS LEAL - Agents of Shield, Devious Maids, Casino Royale. IMDB
"When I first met Jo I was going through a period of self doubt. Right away she forced me to stop making excuses and to refocus my energies. Jo demands that her students love and respect the stories they tell and helps them find the passion and clarity to tell them. Each session brings a different set of challenges and techniques, which never allows one to get too comfortable. Jo ignites in her students a passion for acting and encourages them to rise to their fullest potential as artists, storytellers, and humans. I am forever grateful for her time, love, and support."
LAURA SPENCER - Recurring on Switched at birth, The lizzie Bennet diaries. IMDB
I'm so grateful for this opportunity of growing this way and of just being me. Thank you for creating this journey. I needed to do it so much in my life.
KRUPA PATTANI - Actrez & Director. Bina & Betty, Citizen Khan, M.I.High. IMDB
I have been working with Jo Kelly for the past three years and during this time I have grown immensely as an actor. Jo Kelly creates a safe space where the actor can wholeheartedly delve into their work. At the core of her practice acting is not so much about acting but rather the focus remains on the integrity, truth, respect, and, understanding of a character. Her process frees you from your ego and let’s you lose yourself completely in a role. What is so wonderful about Jo is that she is not the type of coach that seeks to make the actor dependent on their mentor rather she teaches you techniques that build up your repetoire so that you can work independently and she strives to help you grow as a human and an actor. Not only has Jo guided me through auditions and thorough character development for jobs I’ve booked, but Jo has also been extremely supportive in tackling the artistic angst that many actors struggle with. She has raised my confidence and self-awareness. I am incredibly grateful to have a mentor like Jo Kelly in my life.
CAITLIN GERARD - American crime, Social network, Smiley, Jan. IMDB
Thank you, Jo, for an incredible journey. When I signed up I had no idea what I was walking into...and i’m so glad that was the case. Going through this program woke up parts of me that I didn't even know were dormant and at the end of the journey I’m definitely feeling more alive and purposeful as an actor and human being. To top things off, I booked a couple of projects during the 33 days and had a welcome internal health shift happen. I'm so grateful for your guidance and the supportive, creative environment you fostered. It was well worth it!
DEBBIE FAN - The Shield, The Crow: Salvation and The Young and the Restless. IMDB

"J'ai travaillé avec Jo à plusieurs reprises. Pour préparer des auditions, ou des rôles. A chaque fois j'apprécie son travail car je sens qu'elle me fait grandir sur ma perspective du rôle. Elle voit, sent, des choses auxquelles je n'ai pas pensé ! C'est tellement plus riche le travail avec elle.
Son coaching s'adapte en fonction des enjeux émotionnels du personnage et de ce que j'apporte en tant qu'actrice. Parfois je me sentais perdue pour trouver la vérité de la scène ou pour ressentir la justesse de la situation. Jo a toujours l'exercice qui convient, les mots qui percutent et qui m'ont permis de me sentir à l'aise avec mon personnage et de lui créer un vrai parcours émotionnel et un back ground concret.
De plus, Jo voit tout, elle ne se satisfait pas de peu et ne me laisse pas tricher. Elle m'a donné confiance grâce à son travail et son expérience ! J'aime son écoute, son imaginaire et sa disponibilité. Vivement un prochain rôle à travailler ensemble ! "
Le travail de Jo Kelly est pragmatique et terriblement efficace. Les outils qu’elle propose nous permettent de nous connecter à nos émotions, à notre ressenti, à notre vérité.
En faisant tomber peu à peu nos résistances, Jo Kelly, en toute bienveillance, nous pousse à progresser, à être de plus en plus libres, et nous ouvre ainsi l’incroyable champs des possibles.
C’est un parcours de vérité, d’humilité, d’exigence, sans concession, profond et éminemment humain.
VALÉRY SCHATZ - Les seigneurs, Death in paradise IMDB

"We had with you, Jo, a wonderful coach, helping us all to free our potential - without making us dependent. Thank you, Jo for your inspiring words... May the experience of these 3 wonderfull days be braught back to the work and life of all participants. "
Jo's Reset Journey has been a profound experience to me. I think every actor and artist should do this. We are asked to portray humanity and we have to be in touch with our own humanity in order to do that, so I am so grateful for this experience.
AJARAE COLEMAN - NCIS: Nueva Orleans, I'm Sorry, Scandal and founder of Acting Resource Guru. IMDB
"I truly think that Jo is an exceptional acting coach and that I have improved 10 times since working with her. I feel like I have a secret weapon when preparing for every audition because she is so fantastic in understanding each person's strengths and weaknesses and zeroing in on what makes each actor special. Taking her coaching has undoubtedly been the single best thing I have done for my career since moving to L.A."
ILANA KOHANCHI - Nowhere girl, Cavemen, Newsroom. IMDB
“Je remercie tellement notre amie de m’avoir parlé de toi et du voyage de 33 jours. Je suis tellement reconnaissante. Wow!!! C’était intense. Merci pour nous avoir mis au défi pendant ce parcours avec ta générosité, ton amour et ton expérience.”
CAROLINE RAYNAUD - La Vie en Rose, Coloc- Scopie IMDB

You get reset and suddenly you see there's a lot more to go into and now you can listen to yourself and understand that your resistance is a gift. So I'm appreciative of my resistance, I'm appreciative of the Journey. I'm very glad I took this Journey... This is an incredible work... It's a way to connect to your truthful nature .
RUI MARIA PÊGO - Radio Show Host & Actor. PORTUGAL.

After working with Jo in Zurich, Switzerland, I honestly was not sure if and how online coaching works. After our first online sessions, I was surprised and amazed how we even could raise the intensity and the resultes were highly effective. Jo’s online coaching is as direct as a 1:1 live session, plus I can work in my own private space, for me, that makes it easy and secure. We work that way now for over two years and I still love it.

"Conocí en España a Jo en un work in progress sobre “Long day’s journey into night”. Lo curioso de ese trabajo es que, como todos éramos españoles, ella era en principio nuestra coach para el inglés y junto a Jo trabajábamos con una directora. Cuando terminamos, todos los actores tomamos la decisión de comenzar a trabajar con ella en su clases de actuación; su energía, su forma de transmitir, su contagio de disciplina y libertad conjunta, nos hizo ver un camino en el acting nuevo. Desde entonces ella fue mi coach todos los años que viví en Madrid, sabía que nadie hasta ese momento había sacado esa parte de mí en escena y que todo el aprendizaje que quedaba, y quedará siempre, era bueno que fuera de su mano.Cada clase te producía vértigo y felicidad. En España hay mucho “miedo” a las emociones. Creo que se tomó un camino erróneo y se equivocó la contención con la frialdad muchas veces, pero sobre todo con el distanciamiento. Cuando comencé a trabajar con Jo Kelly con mi instrumento desde lo emocional, lo corporal y la libertad supe que el camino era ese y no otro. Nunca quise volver a mi actriz anterior.Ahora no la tengo cerca por que estoy en Argentina pero cada día entre cajas, en ensayos, en lecturas aparece su enseñanza, de una forma u otra, siento que sigo trabajando con ella, sin importar donde esté."
SUSANA HORNOS - Theatre actress, writer, director in ARGENTINA. IMDB

Mit Jo zu arbeiten heisst an sich selbst zu arbeiten, vertrauen in die eingenen Instinkte zu finden und daran zu glauben, dass das alles da sein wird, wenn's darauf ankommt. Sie hat einen unglaublich guten Blick dafūr wo deine Stārken liegen und hilft dir mit ihrer einzigartig vertauenserweckenden Art sie nach aussen zu tragen.

"Dear Jo, it was great to attend your workshop. I feel like I learned a lot about actors and about handling them. I feel rich now."

Again so many thanks, I truly appreciate, it felt so good to just be and act within, having fun to explore...It was a wonderful workshop, great idea to be working for a goal, like the performance with feedback-
You are an inspiring, adorable woman and actress/ coach!

Mi viaje personal y actoral de 33 días " de la resistencia a la libertad" con Jo Kelly me está haciendo cambiar muchas cosas, descubrir otras tantas y sacar todo lo grande y bueno que llevo dentro de mi. Es un proceso que tengo muchas ganas de seguir descubriendo y afrontar mis resistencias con más fuerzas aún y con muuuuuuuucha alegría. Así da gusto vivir y ver la vida personal y profesional de otra manera. My way ! . A ser y a sentir se ha dicho !. Bienvenido Sergio a tu vida llega de magia !!! Esto no ha hecho más que comenzar. Estoy FELIZ
SERGIO MARAÑÓN - Hospital Central, Historia de un destino. SPAIN. IMDB
I found Jo’s class at a time when I was questioning how I could connect more deeply with material as an actor. I signed up on an impulse, and I could not be more thankful! It turns out that I had been asking the wrong question - what I needed to learn was how to connect more deeply with my emotions, how to be free and confident in expressing them, and how to recognize and work with my resistance to doing all of that. Jo is brilliant at helping people navigate these issues in a highly personalized and incredibly effective way. I have had more breakthroughs in a few short weeks of working with Jo than I had in years of formal acting training. It’s been a gift to my acting, certainly, but it’s also been a gift to my way of living. - Indian and American Film/TV Actress
MEGHANA MUDIYAM - Bengaloored, Venkata in Sankata and Shishira. IMDB

l feel as if l just came back from a trip to the moon - really - best experience since a long time. l REALLY stepped out of my comfort zone in attending this workshop - ignoring my biggest fears and l felt like - oh my god - this approach - your approach - how you guide us - etc - l just loved it- lt's been so long since l was so absorbed and plunged into something - so unable to think about anything else, so pushed forward and so totally caught into something.. very very (lacking the words to describe) - l stay with VERY VERY .. ;))
l am so happy and blessed to have met you, you are a wonderful person and l am deeply impressed by your ability to catch each and everyone at their own level and to push them further, making us realize such important things.. the here and now - our deepest sensations - LIFE.

"As a trained dancer & choreographer I have an easier access to my body language than to my emotions. Jo's coaching approach takes me from there and brings me to places I have never been before. To a point where I stop to act, but just am. Jo makes acting as easy and effortless as dancing in no time. And we all know that it takes years of hard dance training to that point. So far I've been called back to every role Jo has prepared me for, wether as a dancer or an actor.
VIET DANG - Dancer for La Chapelle, Rihana, Timberlake.

You are really a wonderful coach and you did an amazing job on each of us. You have the rare gift to meet each actor at the personal level of his craft and gently lead him to reach a level of his art he never dreamed of - you simply make him fly!
"J'ai participé à beaucoup des cours et c'était lors de ce voyage que je me suis sentie identifiée avec la vraie signification du jeu. Alors, pour cela je te dis encore MERCI Jo. Le travail que tu fais avec les artistes est merveilleux. On voit que tu aimes ton métier. C'est pour toutes ces raisons que je ne veux pas te perdre de vue hahaha...Avant de faire le parcours de 33 jours, j’étais perdue et maintenant il semble que j’ai retrouvé mon chemin. J’ai retrouvé l’enthousiasme :))))"

I was lucky to be in the 33 days freedom group! What a special time! It was such a nourishing, empowering adventure to meet every day and being coached by you. Most of the time, after the meeting I had more energy than before - and for sure, I was touched and felt free. It gave me clarity and new strength. I look forward to watching and working with the videos again! Your exercises are easy to understand, and they go deep and work.
Thank you for your unique way to help opening and blossoming everyone of the group. Thank you for diving deep with us with your love and generosity, your encouragement and listening. I'd do it again :)

I first worked with Jo in person in Los Angeles - and when going back to Switzerland, I hesitated to continue my training with her online, because I felt weird about it and thought it would be much different. But I gave it a shot, because I did want to continue working with her. And to my big surprise, there was no difference at all! It was like being in the room with her in LA - or rather her being right with me, the advantage being that I was able to work with her from wherever I liked and could, thousands of miles away and even from my hotelroom while filming somewhere. Not missing a coaching because of "time and space" and yet getting everything out of it has to me proven to be a great opportunity.

NAY DIAZ ha ganado la Biznaga de Plata al Mejor Actor de Reparto en el Festival de Málaga compartido con Javier López, Ken Appledorn, Daniel Perez Prada y Juanra Bonet (compañeros de la pelicula Casting).
"Con mucho cariño dedicado a Jo Kelly. Jo es una mujer muy valiente! Decir que para mi fui como una mama en mis primeros pasos de formación como actor y tambien a nivel personal."
NAY DIAZ - Casting, Un lugar para los butter cookies. SPAIN. IMDB

Il y a un an déjà que Jo Kelly est ma coach et depuis ma vie jamais a été la même. Elle m’a fait découvrir autant de facettes, me libérer de plein de préjugés contre moi-même…Le plus important peut-être a été découvrir ma rebelle, cette Iolanda qui peut dire NON et surtout elle m’a fait apprendre que n’importe ce que je sens, soit rage, joie, ennui…c’est bien, parce que de cette manière je pourrai être plus proche et comprendre n’importe quel personnage, car je suis vivante et pourtant mes personnages serons vivants aussi.
IOLANDA RUBIO - Comédienne, créatrice et productrice. Espagne. IMDB

Working online might seem cold or inefficient at first, but once I tried this coaching and training with JO KELLY, I definitively changed my mind. Its different and unexpectedly easy. She helps you to have the most important commitment you can have with your work, your passion and your life, which is yourself. That makes the work efficient at the maximum, because she encourages you to be who you are, despite your own resistances. With her wise sight at you as an actor and person, she is the one who can make you focus on your artistic goals. And succeed."

Ich habe Jo Kelly im Casting Director Workshop kennengelernt und bin von Ihrer Arbeit als Coach sehr begeistert. Ihr Fokus liegt in der Menschlichkeit und der Einzigartigkeit eines jeden Einzelnen. Das hat sie sehr schön und eindrücklich vermittelt. Durch die spezifische physische Arbeit habe ich gelernt gewisse mentale Blockaden zu erkennenlösen und zu einem Moment des "wahren Sein" zu gelangen. Ausserdem hat mich Jo dazu gebracht klare Entscheidungen für die Figur zu treffen, den Impulsen zu folgen und über den gewohnten Rahmen hinauszugehen. Ich danke Ihr von Herzen für diese Unterstützung.
SONIA DIAZ - Theatre actress, SWITZERLAND,

“Le stage a vraiment été extrêmement enrichissant pour moi et je continue le travail, même dans le chant (chanter l'air d'opéra comme un bébé etc... :D).
Ce qui m'a surtout frappée, c'est que tu nous as dis de reprendre notre pouvoir. J'ai compris que je l'avais effectivement souvent cédé à ceux qui nous donnent le boulot, ce qui est carrément la mort de l'art. Du coup je le reprends, et c'est génial! Ton travail a donc vraiment produit chez moi un effet prolongé et profond et je suis très intéressée de revenir à un stage si tu en fais à nouveau.merci encore”

Ich kam zu Jo Kelly auf Empfehlung einer Schweizer Produzentin. Mich fasziniert an Jo, dass sie einem nichts augfzwingen will, sondern einem eine Stütze bietet, sich selbst freizusetzen. Viele Blockaden schleichen sich im Verlaufe des Lebens ein. Sie half mir diese zu sprengen, indem sie mich lernte auf meine Instinkte zu hören. Die Zeit mit Jo, trug sehr zu meiner schauspielerischen wie auch persönlichen Entwicklung bei. Sie sieht direkt in einen hinein und versucht einen in sein wahres Ich zu führen, ganz egal wie „schmutzig“ man dort sein mag. Dies sind wir ja alle. An diesem Ort angekommen, verurteilte sie nicht. Sie betonte immer wieder, dass es das Ende sei, wenn ich auf das schauen würde, was andere über mich und meine Szene denken. Darin liegt eine tiefe Wahrheit finde ich, weil man sich nicht mehr damit beschäftigt sich selbst zu geniessen, im Leben wie auch auf der Bühne. Deshalb empfehle ich sie für eine Zusammenarbeit einerseits im schauspielerischen Bereich, wie auch auch fürs private Leben.

It feels like your workshop (thanks to you of course) opened up a new „output“ for my creativity. I love it and I try to integrate as much as possible into my daily life, too. To be honest, thanks to your workshop I’m now even more confused than before hahaha but I decided to not decide ! Problem solved ! And I want to keep working on my instrument (whether it’s for my acting or for my personal pleasure, doesn’t really make difference). Thank you Jo.
SONJA BERTA - Actress, photographer, SWITZERLAND,

Jo, you motivated me to climb the rock face by reminding me with exercises what my inner soul is truly longing for. You made me realize in a gentle way how ridiculous my excuses are. With your brief comments you set me thinking and helped me to reach the top of the cliff where I was able to look down on the beauty of the crystal blue water.
You made me realize that I’m alive! I learned to face my biggest fear and resistance. While trying to overcome the resistance, I knew it was the right thing to do but I could feel the fear and my strong ego. I want to send you a big THANK YOU for these interesting hours of awakening, happiness, fun... and all the other emotions ;) including learning to fail and making me finally act! I still have many layers to dig through and it's going to be a great exciting challenge!

"I met Jo in a period of doubts! In my personal life and in my actress life. She helped me to understand a lot of things by going back to the roots! We made a huge work to learn how to accept things that could refrain me to move foward. Jo has a lot of exercices that give the right keys to build a character, to go through a scene, and simply to believe in yourself. Always by working in respect. I feel now more confident, and I truly think Jo is a great coach to work with and I won't hesitate to contact her again when needed!"
JULIE ROSEBURY - Singer & actress. FRANCE-

"Acercarse a la interpretación con la ayuda de Jo Kelly, es una experiencia de apertura de los sentidos, de libertad, de movimiento interno, de humanidad. Yo llegué al entrenamiento desde la danza y descubrí como mi instrumento de bailarina tomaba una nueva dimensión y me ayudaba a descubrir nuevos territorios interpretativos desde el cuerpo, recuperando en cada paso, en cada respiración la memoria intangible y ancestral del alma humana."

I really want to thank you for the wonderful workshop and the deep insights we've got. I like your way of thinking and how you helped us to feel our instincts again. You’ve got this perfect mix between distance and closeness. I’m so greatful that I met you and that I did this workshop. Since Monday the wheel is turning super fast and I would love to work with you again.
DELIAH KYBURZ - Entertainment professional. SWITZERLAND.

"Un moment avec Jo est avant tout une merveilleuse rencontre humaine, rencontre que j’ai effectuée dans une période de transition entre la danse et le théâtre. Tandis que j'étais encore inscrite dans un mode de pensée physique, Jo s’est véritablement adaptée à ma sensibilité dans cette période de changements et de doutes, tout en prenant la direction la plus appropriée pour me faire découvrir autrement mon corps et surtout ma voix. Elle m’a poussée là où je n’étais jamais allée, début d’un lâcher-prise émotionnel pour prendre le chemin de la liberté dans le jeu théâtral.Jo est précise, et aussi surprenante… Quel plaisir de travailler dans la confiance et la spontanéité ! "
KRISTEL MASURE - Danseuse & Comédienne, FRANCE.

"Dear Jo, your work brings people to flourish and grow and you are a careful and delightful „ Artist- Gardener “; thank you so much for your presence and Inspiration!
I’m also touched by the group's confidence to share deep emotions and fears together and to go further with it, as individuals, empowered by a wonderful group energy and work!"

"On ne ressort pas la même d'un coaching avec Jo. Elle a cette capacité à sortir le meilleur de vous, vous pousser au delà de vos limites et de votre zone de comfort. Au fil des sessions je me suis découverte des ressources que j'ignorais, elle m'a donné des outils que j'utilise au quotidien, et pas que dans ma vie professionnelle. Merci pour cette énergie partagée!"
YAEL LANDMAN - Lingerie Collection designer for Sonia Rykiel,
A. Vandervorst, Kiki de Montparnasse.