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Jo Kelly

Ok actors! Today let's talk about if you are where you wanna be in your acting career.

You might be feeling you're not where you want to be because you don't have the opportunities or the team behind you. Or some actors tell me it's because they're not getting the bookings they want.

Usually I'll ask them what’s preventing them from reaching their goals and they'll say they either haven't studied enough or taken the right class. Some say they don't have enough experience or even that they're living in the wrong city. Recently I've been hearing actors say it's because of COVID.

You might recognize yourself in any of these scenarios. If you check in with yourself you might feel like it's an external thing that you don't have control over- the problem lies with these reasons.

But I'd like you to think about it from another perspective: it's because you use these reasons as excuses that you're not where you want to be in your career. In other words, it's BECAUSE you are using these excuses that you're not getting the results you want in your career.

So when you catch yourself blaming external circumstances for where you're at, you're not taking responsibility. And you're actually shooting yourself in the foot.

When you take responsibility, everything that happens to you depends on YOU. It depends on how open and free you are. A free and alive instrument affects how unleashed you are as an actor. That impacts your headshot, your reel, your auditions and how you show up on set. You can have all that power in your career by starting with the thing you have control over- your INSTRUMENT.

If your instrument isn't showing up 100%, that feeds into your work.

Watch my training below and find out what you can do about this.

If you're interested in getting your instrument to be purely instinctive, grab the training "Stop Trying to be a Good Actor So You Have a Chance at Being Great".

And after you watch the training, I’d love to hear from you. Post a comment in our private Facebook Group, so we can take the discussion farther.

You’ll also get access to more videos and resources, and connect with more than a THOUSAND like-minded actors across the globe for extra accountability.

If you’re not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP.

See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

1- Join my free Facebook Group, THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS’ SOCIETY, exclusively for actors who are ready to go from good to great and become undeniable.

2- Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set. You’ll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days.


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