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You ( Want To) Pursue Acting But Your Family Is Against It. Then Read This!!

Jo Kelly

Your parents may disagree with your involvement in acting. You may decide to do it anyway but, your parents might remove some of their support and connection with you. So when you show up at an audition, self tape or training; part of you may feel that there is something wrong with you moving forward.

Since your parents took care of your needs during your childhood, you might feel guilty about not complying to what they think is “right” for you. In other words, you may feel responsible for their disappointment.

When you watch my training below you will discover that all of this creates a constriction of who you are. Therefore, your level of fulfillment is constricted as well. This means that when you perform, part of you is not available and you cannot enjoy the experience fully since part of you is busy trying to honor your parents. Also, part of that energy that feels wrong and guilty is probably leaking into your auditions, work on set, self tapes, etc.

It must be challenging to be very passionate about your acting career and feel that your family does not validate and support your needs as an Actor. Consequently, you may have tried to hide your career from them, rebel against them and not think too much about it. Maybe, you work super hard to prove to them that you are “right” in your decision. And yet, you might feel that none of that has worked for you.

In most cases, the reason why your parents tell you what to do or not to do is because they want to protect you. They are afraid that acting is not a stable, reliable and safe profession. They come from a place of FEAR. So, when you show up rebelling against them, avoiding a conversation with them or hiding it from them; you also come from a place of FEAR.

The invitation is to move from that fear to a free and truthful connection. The opportunity is to become really aware of the choice that you are making and be responsible for your passion as an Artist. From that place of freedom, you can connect with them and hear their feelings and validate them. You can let your parents really see your whole self and be responsible for your passion and the dangers that your career entails since you are no longer a child.

When this happens, something really changes in the dynamic. Your conversations can grow, evolve and expand. And so can your relationship with them.

Watch my training below to hear all my thoughts on this topic.

After you watch the training, I'd love for you to join in the conversation happening in our private Facebook Group THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS' SOCIETY. You can get answers for your specific situation directly from me and connect with THOUSANDS of like-minded actors across the globe, so we can move things forward faster together.

If you're not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP here.

See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are two ways I can help you:


  • Get on the waitlist for my program, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set. You'll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days.



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